Gardeners of Burlington presents guest speaker Connie Bijl:
“Meet us in the Garden: Vegetable Gardening” at their monthly
meeting. Please come and join a friendly group of amateur gardeners interested
in learning more about all aspects of gardening.
Speaker’s bio: Connie is
the granddaughter of William Dam, who founded William Dam Seeds Ltd. (Dundas,
ON) 75 years ago! The seed company is looking forward to a year of celebration.
She has been involved
with William Dam Seeds throughout her life, and now focuses on the flower side
of the business: trialing new flowers, buying seed, and preparing the seed for
packaging and selling.
She is a design and
horticulture judge with the OHA, GCO, & RBG.
Connie lives on Hamilton
Mountain and when not playing with flower arranging, enjoys fibre arts and
eating baked goods that her husband creates.
Questions? Please email:
Free, no tickets or reservation required for guests