Heritage Day PANCAKE BREAKFAST and BOOK SALE at St. John's

15jun8:30 am12:00 pmHeritage Day PANCAKE BREAKFAST and BOOK SALE at St. John's

Event Details

Saturday, June 15, in and around the Great Hall, Pancake Breakfast, 8.30 am to 10 am. Join us for a delightful Pancake Breakfast before the Heritage Days parade—$15 per person and $10 per child under 12. Enjoy pancakes, sausages, fruit, tea, coffee and juice.  For further information, please get in touch with Ann Cunningham at 905-648-1433 or n_acunningham@cogeco.ca.

Book Sale, 8:30 am to Noon.  Please contact Terri Lloyd H 905-544-7190, C 289-880-7190, or terrilloyd55@gmail.com Donations of books are welcome, drop them off on the table in the blue classroom at the church. Gently used paperback & hardcover fiction, and children’s books. Gardening and other non-fiction. Please do not bring textbooks, DVDs, CDs, or books that are yellowed, or damaged. Thanks



June 15, 2024 8:30 am - 12:00 pm(GMT-11:00)


St. John's Anglican Church

2464 Dundas Street

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