Sadec 1965: A Love Story presented at the Hamilton Fringe Festival

21jul7:00 pm8:00 pmSadec 1965: A Love Story presented at the Hamilton Fringe Festival

Event Details

SADEC 1965: A LOVE STORY, a solo show written and performed by DC-based storyteller Flora Le, is part of the 2023 Hamilton Fringe Festival. This powerful storytelling piece is best described as Cheryl Strayed’s ‘Wild’ but on a motorcycle on the Ho Chi Minh trail. 

In 2013, Flora rode a motorcycle across Vietnam for six weeks, solo, in an attempt to make sense of her difficult relationship with her estranged Vietnamese father. Flora was on a quest to understand why her father, who left Vietnam with a scholarship to study in Canada in the mid-1960s, never spoke about Vietnam. Since the answers she was looking for would never come from him, Flora decided to go on a road trip across the country, riding a total of 2100 miles in six weeks, from the Chinese border in the North to the village of Sadec, her father’s hometown in the Mekong Delta, to reclaim the story of her origins and make sense of the difficult man that her father was. 

Flora has been wanting to tell this story on a stage ever since she completed her motorcycle journey in 2014. But one piece was missing: her father’s old love letters. After her father passed away, Flora found the love correspondence he exchanged with his high school sweetheart, a woman named Hien, whom he left behind in Vietnam during the war. This woman turned out to be an important piece of the mystery her father was, and reading their correspondence promised to provide many answers. 

Sadec 1965: A Love Story, a part of the 2023 Hamilton Fringe Festival 

WHAT: Sadec 1965: A Love Story, written and performed by Flora Le

WHERE: Mills Hardware, 95 King St. E, Hamilton


  • July 20 @ 6:00 pm

  • July 21 @ 7:00 pm & 10:00 pm

  • July 22 @ 3:00 pm & 8:30 pm

  • July 23 @ 12:00 pm

  • July 24 @ 6:30 pm

TICKETS: $12, available at the door or online




For more information about this show, visit



July 21, 2023 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT-11:00)

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