Meet the Restaurateurs – OKO Bagels – Juan and Karina

OKO Bagels

Meet Juan & Karina Owners of the newest bagel spot in town, OKO Bagels. We asked them a few questions about their business, and their product: delicious, scratch made bagels.

OKO Bagels

Where do you source your ingredients?

We proudly source our ingredients as locally as possible. We consciously search for organic and the freshest items from specialized vendors that comply with OKO’s high-quality standards.

What was the inspiration behind OKO Bagels?

Our inspiration behind OKO Bagels is rooted in the idea of bringing back traditional baking methods. That’s why we use a wood burning oven and we roll our dough every day from scratch without preservatives. We want people to come and get fresh bagels every day … just like in the old days!

OKO Bagels

Why Oakville?

Oakville is our home town. We love our community and it is our goal to actively participate and support in any way we can.

What’s your favourite dish on the menu right now?

Karina: Caprese Sandwich on a Rosemary & Sea Salt Bagel. The aroma of the rosemary brings back good memories from my childhood.

Juan: Breakfast Sandwich in the morning and Cinnamon Sugar with butter as my afternoon snack – with our creamy latte of course!

Visit OKO Bagels

499 Cornwall Rd, Oakville   |   905 825 1296   |   @okobagels  |

OKO Bagels

OKO Bagels


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