Burlington resident Anne-Marie Tice has a long connection with John McDermott, one of Canada’s premier tenors who has recorded more than 25 albums. She tells us, “My connection with John was through my mother. Her love of his music – and his kindness to her, right to the very end of her life – touched our family deeply.”
Back in 2018, when Anne-Marie asked John if he would consider a private concert as a fundraiser, “he immediately said yes” and a wonderful ‘Concert Under the Stars’ event, at Anne-Marie’s home in Burlington, raised an amazing $28,000.

Anne-Marie donated the proceeds of the concert to the Lighthouse for Grieving Children, “a charity that is very near and dear to my heart and for which I am proud to volunteer.” She explains her connection, telling us “having lost my father when I was 5 years old, my mother 15 years ago and my eldest brother in 2017, I have experienced how grief can affect children and adults throughout one’s life in different ways.”
Lighthouse runs peer support groups to children 3-18 who have lost a parent or sibling, offering them the chance to come together with others that have also lost a loved one. Echoing the sentiment of many, Anne-Marie says “when I was growing up, I knew of nobody else that shared my experience, which was isolating to say the least.”
This April 30th, Anne-Marie is organizing a virtual John McDermott concert, specially recorded for Lighthouse, which will conclude with an interactive conversation between John and his guests. A 3-course dinner from the renowned Spencer’s at the Waterfront, paired with a bottle of wine from Sandbanks Estate Winery will be hand delivered to each participant.
For your opportunity to join what promises to be an unforgettable evening, please register at www.supportlh.com (tickets priced at $200 for 2 people). For further information please send an email to: acollingridge@grievingchildrenlighthouse.org