Refresh Your Interior This Fall With Paint

Need to breathe life into your home while sticking to a budget? Painting is an inexpensive way to freshen up any room. With a bit of time and effort, you can re-energize any space with a fresh coat of colour.

Hot Colour Trends

Each year, a new colour palette sets the stage for the coming season, and this year is no exception. “We are seeing dark and moody blues and greens,” says Iva from Dove+Arrow in Oakville. She adds that jewel tones are generally popular for a dramatic look and that a surprise pop of pink has emerged, inspired by the Barbie movie. Regardless of the trends, choosing a wall colour is uniquely personal and has more to do with your taste than the latest style. Are you looking for a calm ambience? Stick to neutrals. Do you want to bring an energetic mood to the room? Choose a bold new colour. If you’re on the fence, keep walls neutral and add punches of colour with a bright cushion, lamp or wall art.

What Paint Should I Buy?

When choosing a paint brand, look for one that’s washable, especially if you have children. Paint finishes with a higher sheen are easier to clean. A satin finish has a higher gloss and is excellent for a child’s room, baseboards and trim. An eggshell finish gives a slight shine to walls, while a matte finish has less sheen, and both are very wipeable. Flat finishes are harder to clean and show more wall imperfections. Bathrooms and kitchens require a paint formulated for humid environments that are mildew resistant. Whatever your preference is for brand, sheen or colour, be sure to buy the correct type of paint for the room.

Tips for a Flawless Room

Before you paint, patch any holes with a patching compound. Patch in skim coats, scraping the excess with a spreader. Once dry, use a fine-grit sanding block to gently sand the patched area. It should feel smooth with no apparent lumps or bumps.

Most latex paints today are created with primer built in, which means better overall coverage on the walls. It also means you can skip priming the entire walls first, unless you cover a very dark colour with a very light one. However, you do need to seal the patched areas. To save time, use the paint colour you have purchased and brush a thin coat over the patching with your brush. This acts as your primer coat and seals the patch before you roll the walls.

Be sure to buy a good quality angled paint brush (1.5 to two inches) and cut in the perimeter of the room to create a nice, clean edge. Once the walls are rolled, allow sufficient drying time between coats. The higher the humidity, the longer a room will take to dry, so be sure to have the air conditioning on during warm days or run fans to circulate the air.

Whether you’re painting a bedroom, basement or bathroom, choosing the right paint and prepping the walls will ensure a successful project every time.

by Julie Achtermeier

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