wins Best Family Entertainment ‘Talk of the Town’ award
Note: Each business listed below has made changes and are taking precautions to ensure customer and employee safety during this time. Please contact the…
Note: Each business listed below has made changes and are taking precautions to ensure customer and employee safety during this time. Please contact the…
It’s time to support our local business, it’s time to shop local! This year has been especially tough on local businesses in Oakville Downtown….
At this time of year, you would typically find our events section overflowing with news of upcoming holiday cheer. From tree lightings to Santa…
With the ever-changing COVID-19 situation, Downtown Oakville has made the difficult decision to cancel their Tiny Tots Parade, but they will still be bringing…
Many of us have heard the same health recommendation for the past few months — as much as possible, stay home. As summer draws…
Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall… Just as the seasons are changing and the leaves are turning colour, local bakers and baristas are switching up…
…Looking for some fun Fall-inspired activities to enjoy with your friends and family in the Halton region? Well, we’ve compiled a list of some…
Written by: Anneliese Lawton Walk down any beer aisle at the LCBO or your grocery store, and you’ll find an assortment of carefully crafted,…
There’s no need to pack up and head to Florida to have fun over March Break. In and around the GTA, there are countless…
Days of Wine & Chocolate starts on Friday, January 31st . Yes, that’s right! We wanted to make sure you had four full weekends (Jan 31, Feb 1-2;…